“At Least He Never Hit You.”

The relationship that I am in now illuminates a stark contrast from the one I walked away from 4 years ago. The in’s and out’s (excuse the pun) of his behaviour which led to the separation back then no longer make me so sad. As I heal, what I experience now is this realisation concerning […]


A Day In The Life of A Working Mum

I cycle into the campus carpark, at full pelt. To the left is where the bike cage is situated. Its 9:10am but Im only late because Lilou had to have a 20 minute poo before school. It happens 50% pf the time.  “Come on Lilou, we’re going to be late!” “But its a bad one, […]


Online Dating and The Fajita Wrap.

I don’t go on it.Then I do. Then I ignore it. Then I don’t. I hate it. But I still try it out – incase I’m about to miss someone spectacular. I’ve been ‘offline’ for almost a week, then I open up to a private message centered around the fajita wrap. He’s just an ordinary […]


After The Betrayal

I waited until the kids had gone to school. Then I got the bag of rice out of the cupboard, poured some into the mortar and started pounding it with the pestle. Rice was flying everywhere, spraying across the table and floor and onto my feet. But I lent in, hunched over, head down and […]


Election Stress and Confusion Causes Havoc With Under Ripe Avocado In Sock.

Election stress and uncertainty can manifest itself in many ways. Laura Wallington from Nottingham caused damage to property today after putting an under ripe avocado into an odd Jojo Maman Bebe sock and swinging it about in M&S foodhall, sending whole shelves of quinoa, beetroot and couscous crashing onto the floor and ruining people’s Converse. […]